Friday, July 22, 2011

Sad Times for UMPCs

UMPCPortal reports that Viliv may be closing up shop soon.  When considering a new UMPC, I'd contemplated purchasing a Viliv N5.  Its sleek lines and specs made it an alright upgrade.  It's still available on Dynamism, but who knows for how long as they only have one model left.

Having watched company after company bite the dust when it came to UMPCs, this isn't a surprise.  Its predecessors, Vulcan, Raon, and UMID to name a few all collapsed within a model or two.  The pocket clamshells garnish a lot of attention at events, but rarely ever come to fruition, at least in the US, such as the iWatch Q839, or Usmart M1C.  They are often delayed, outdated, and expensive (UMID M1, Vulcan Flipstart, and even the N5 are guilty of this).  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the form factor, but I don't want to pay a premium for size and have it run slower than the current iteration of netbook that I can get for half the price.

I've noticed that companies dedicated to this form factor never really take off in the market, as opposed to major electronics corporations with sizeable R&D departments where part of the development is done, so it's more cost efficient.  Especially now that data phones are becoming more prevalent and tablets are gaining in popularity.  

I fear that my favorite tiny computer, the Nanonote will fall victim to what these other companies have fallen.  Open hardware companies tend to have a difficult time unto themselves and despite having a large community, it's harder than with open-source software.  I've noticed their timelines for their next iterations were extended, which is typically one of the precursors.

I'll always prefer the clamshell over a tablet for the convenience of a keyboard for which I do not have to pay separately, the screen protection, and the miniature factor, but it seems it's not the popular choice.  I wish there were room for both in the market; however, I don't think that is the case.  I truly hope there is a resurgence.

What's been your favorite UMPC throughout the years?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Desert Code Camp

Heads up for everyone lost in the middle of the desert like me.  Desert Code Camp 2011.2 is scheduled for Saturday, November 5th.  I went to the last one and had a blast.  There's some really good info there and the opportunity to look into some different areas and technologies.  Some training benefited where I am now, while other sessions benefited where I want to go.  It's free, there's shwag, and there's a lot of learning opportunities.  Save the date!


Midnight Moon (1 pound) by Gourmet-Food.comSo despite being genetically predisposed to lactose-intolerance, I simply cannot survive (psychologically, at least) without cheese on a regular basis.  It's one thing I share in common with my super particular spoiled dog, Picky Peggy.  She eschews cheaper cheeses (store bought shredded cheddar and the like) for the $20+ pound stuff, whether it be Midnight Moon or a cave-aged gruyere.  Not that I can blame her, considering I am the one who brings this stuff into the house.  I just kinda sorta really wish she'd eat her dinner without it having as much cheese on it as mine does.  Just sayin'.

Cambozola (8 ounce)My recent obsession has been cambozola which I am not sharing (and not just because I'm worried about giving a blue cheese to a dog).  It's nicknamed the "blue brie" due to it's tang and consistency.  I'd heard about it but never sought it out until I was hungry at Costco one time and looking for samples I could eat.  I took a piece to munch on and immediately went back and grabbed a pound.  Now it's my addiction and I need a fix daily.  Fortunately, I found it once again on a later trip.  It's worth every penny, but if I can get it for about half what I'm finding on the internet, not including shipping, why not take the deal/steal?  It's so smooth and creamy, but with these amazing blue veins.  I love brie, but this, this is something in its own league.  I've tried both the original Champignon version and Black Label version and personally favor the former.  It's less salty and let's the blue flavor really shine.

Although it's not really a recipe, if I'm not downing the stuff by the slice, I'm eating in a salad (look at me;  salads!  Never thought I'd see the day;  I grew up loathing the stuff) with heirloom tomatoes, avocados, and butter lettuce with some balsamic vinegar and olive oil.  Healthy, fast, and delicious.  I usually pair it with Martinelli's Sparkling Prickly Passion Lemonade.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Teeny-Tiny, Itty-Bitty Mouse

I have a few handheld computers; ok, 1, 2...5.  That counts as a few, right?  In addition, I've been going to more and more meetings at work with their laptop (I swear I'm not that important) and detest using the trackpad.  I have a couple of mini mice, but with my desktops at home and a workstation for when I work from home, I have more mice than computers.

Z-Nano Optical MouseGiven my obsession with miniatures, there are a bunch of tiny mice out there and even some super tiny trackballs.  Occasionally, when surfing the interwebs, I do things like search for "smallest _______".  One day in my searches, I looked for the smallest mouse and found the Z-Nano Optical Mouse.  Initially, it was impossible to find to purchase, but fortunately Amazon and a couple other places have it now. It's slightly larger than my finger and you "left-click" by pressing forward and "right-click" by pressing backwards.

It's not too great for gaming, but it serves its purpose and doesn't take up much space.  It rarely gets tangled on itself as there's a magnet to connect the usb connection to the mouse.  Additionally, it's a wonderful way to break up awkward silences in a meeting when you take it out of your bag.  The best part it doesn't add bulk to tiny clutches when I'm carrying one of my handhelds.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Resume: A New Day

I've kept my blog to the light-hearted and superficial, but it's an outlet for me and I haven't posted in awhile and figure if my comments may help someone, I may as well do this.

I'm not in a leadership position and typically not involved in hiring decisions, but am slightly OCD and have worked in IT recruiting in the past.  Recently, I had the opportunity to review some resumes and I figured I'd jot some tips down.  I tried not to get too cliché with these, but some still happen so often I had to include them.
  1. Keep your resume up to date and redo it for your current search.  I'm not talking about tailoring it for each position, although you should do that too.  I'm talking about the format and sections.  What made a great resume ten years ago does not necessarily stand out anymore.  Furthermore, if I can tell that you haven't revamped the format in ten years, it displays either laziness or apathy and neither of those help land jobs.  Search google and see what the trends are.  I went through and looked at mine and realized it was so five years ago.  I had an objective, eliminated it, and have kind of brought it back with a professional summary.  Another example is buzzwords.  Make sure these are current.  Nothing makes your resume scream"1999" louder than using terms like "results-driven" and "self-starter".
  2. One page resumes have gone the way of the Beta.  No one cares anymore.  Technology has changed the game.  I can rapidly search for a technical keyword and find it each time it occurs.  While you should have something to grab attention on the first page, if you say you have 25 years of project management, I want to see documentation of it and where there may have been breaks.  If you can get 25 years of experience on one page, that's either going to be some awfully tiny, unreadable font or some really long projects that lacked depth.
  3. Another example of technology changing the game is spelling, grammar, and formatting consistency.  I understand mistakes do happen, but there is no excuse to have a bunch of squiggly lines when the resume is opened up unless if it's proper nouns or acronyms.  My other pet peeve along with this is grammar and formatting consistency.  While it is appropriate to have your current duties be in present tense and things you've done to be in past tense, this should not vary section to section or point to point.  I also notice if you have ten different fonts on your resume and they are of different sizes and it's not a heading.  Pay attention to the little things.  Sadly, this still happens frequently even though it's posted on nearly every resume tip site there is.
  4. Don't include things that make the employer uncomfortable.  Unless if it has something directly tied to your professional experience, don't put something that if they were to hire or not hire you for the position could be construed as discrimination.  This includes photos, religious or political affiliations, etc.  Photos are used in certain fields, so if you're in one of those, disregard this advice.
  5. I can't stress accuracy enough.  Make sure to update and read through every part, each time.  That way you don't miss something that goes, I am presently working on XYZ project and the date listed is 1995 and I see you've worked at two other companies since then.  Mistakes happen; I get it, but at least know to look for it ahead of time.
  6. Know your audience.  In IT recruiting, with the exception of graphic or web designers, no one cares about whitespace, but things needs to be logically organized.
  7. Keep it concise.  Bullet points highlight your skills and experience whereas paragraphs tend to get skimmed.  For IT, I want to see what you did, what technology you used, and any financial results it had, if any.  I don't need a verbose, syntactically correct paragraph structure typically.  There are a few exceptions.  Also do not mistake this with trying to cram your resume into one page.
I hope these are helpful.  Redoing my resume is not on the top of list for things I want to do, but if you need/want a new job, put every effort you can into making everything the best they can be.

    Sunday, June 19, 2011

    My Favorite Things: NanoNote Edition

    Since there's so much amazing technology out there and I haven't purchased any of it since my phone, I wanted to highlight one of my favorite pieces of technology, Qi Hardware's Ben NanoNote.  While I was initially drawn to it because it's diminutive size (half the size of my UMID M1 at 3.9" by 3.0") was unique for its form factor, a handheld clamshell computer.

    I was on the fence initially, but the more I read about the project, the more I was intrigued.  The goal of NanoNote is not to be simply a pocket-sized computer, it's to be a launching pad for hardware design and engineering.  Manufactured by Qi Hardware, their goal is free software and to open up hardware using Copyleft.

    I am a big fan of open source software and realized a while back that the opportunities for kids interested in learning about hardware engineering was significantly more limited.  While growing up one can search the web to learn how to program; how often do they gain exposure to hardware?  Sure, you can take appliances apart and often times learn the hard way, but that doesn't mean that you understand the schematics and calculations it took to get there.

    The NanoNote can be taken apart, modified, redesigned, and even sold in its new form, so long as the licenses and terms are the same or equivalent as what was used initially.

    The device itself is relatively rudimentary and slow compared to the machines we presently and most smartphones out power it.  It runs OpenWRT and there's a flavor of Jlime available as well.  Some members of the community were able to get Debian running on it also.

    I eventually bought a couple to play around with off of Sharism.  I love the idea of spending my money with a vision that supports learning and openness.  One NanoNote I carry around with me constantly and use to play music while the other I use to play with the different software options.  Priced at $99 plus shipping (it ships from Asia which costs around $30 to the US), it seems a fair price for those interested in developing hardware.


    Kind of.  Sort of.  If you use your imagination, but it's mini and cute and I can wear it constantly without receiving weird looks, not that that's ever stopped me.

    I'd had a mini bottle of bubbles keychain that mirrored it's larger counterparts I'd find in the supermarket, but it became a Sadie chew toy that I didn't realize she had until it was too late.  (Fortunately, most of the bubble solution had already evaporated and we don't call the 70 white mixed-breed dog "Sadie Steel Stomach" for no reason.) 

    I was shopping a while back and wandered into Juicy Couture to check out if they had anything pink and decided to peruse the charms they had as they'll have some that are chock full of detail and suit me perfectly.  I couldn't believe when I stumbled upon this.  A tiny little bottle of bubbles charm.  It was so cute I could barely take it.  Even better, it was on sale and discounted down to around $25.  I'd have bought it regardless; however, it being on sale only added to my desire and justification as it was destiny for me to find it on one of my shopping trips as they are becoming less and less frequent and it was on sale.
    I love the tiny barcode on the back!

    I love how intricate many of the charms are.  I have a the orange bowler bag with a tiny charm on the handle from back in the day and the miniature jewelry box that carried the same design as the box in which it was contained.  This one is no exception.  It remains true to the Juicy brand with their crown logo on the bottom and is thoughtfully designed.  It opens and has a bubble riveted wand (reminds me of the ones I had as a kid) with a "bubble" in it and a tiny barcode.  It's a significant upgrade from the plastic mini bubble bottle I'd had before and I'll be more careful about leaving it in areas within reach of the dogs.

    It's a bit more on Amazon (around $45), but you can find it here.

    Saturday, June 18, 2011

    A Little Bit of Joy

    Joy SoapThe other day I was getting coffee and a snack at a local market in my old neighborhood.  While waiting for my order to come up, my neon pink sense tingled and I rounded the corner and found Kala Soap's Joy Soap.  It was $8, but it smelled delish and was a solid size (there really isn't much space in the box).  Since I figure soap is always a worthwhile purchase, I picked it up.  I've still not used it all up and it doesn't dry out my skin, so it's nice to know I can get my neon fix and still be somewhat pragmatic.

    I found Joy Soap on Amazon as well since I'd picked up the last one and don't know if they'll have it in stock.

    The World's Small Postal Service

    I have a slight obsession with journals and stationary.  Stationary stores are ubiquitous in Korea and it's something to which I'm drawn (I think it's genetics, like my affinity for neon and spicy food).  

    The World's Smallest Post ServiceI can't stop at a bookstore without stopping to look at the different journals, cards, and other trinkets available.  I went to Kinokuniya Bookstore in Seattle and left with a couple of books, a DVD, five notebooks, and a mini binder.  I have so many different sets of stationary, including more thank you cards than I'll ever be able to use in a lifetime.

    The other week I found out about Lea Redmond's World's Smallest Post Service.  She sets up shop at different locations around San Francisco, including The Curiosity Shoppe periodically.  For those of us who don't live in the Bay area, she offers the service online as well here and offers a kit.  I picked up a kit promptly so I can create my own little letters and packages and am completely in love with the details.

    Friday, June 17, 2011

    Cheap and Neon: Two of My Favorite Things

    Tepper Jackson Aero Dot Cosmetic Bag,White,one size
    Aero Dot Cosmetic Bag
    I've wanted Tepper Jackson's Chain Link Carry-All for quite some time.  I always have the Aero Dot Cosmetic Bag on me.  The bright pink is the perfect shade and it's so easy to clean, which is a big deal for me as I'm grateful for the popularity of acrylic tumblers so I don't have to carry a sippy cup .

    Tepper Jackson's line is of good quality and design, I love the neon colors, and I'd use it for the gym and for traveling, but it's not like I need another bag right now (well, at least that's what my head says).  I feel $100 is a bit excessive for a coated canvas bag when I already have three gym bags within my line of vision at the moment.

    Tepper Jackson Chain Link Carry-All,Black,one size
    Chain Link Carry-All
    It all changed though, when I was looking on Amazon the other day and saw it on sale for $40 with free shipping.  Now that's a price I can get behind.

    I wound up selecting the last available Carry-All in white since the pink stood out more, but there's still one in black on Amazon for around $40 which is eligible for their "Free Super Saver Shipping" the last time I checked.

    Saturday, June 11, 2011

    UMID Mbook SE

    My blog as of late has predominantly been about the girly stuff, but I am a tech geek at heart, especially when it comes to tiny computers.  I love technology that I can throw in my purse without having to worry about purchasing purses to fit everything.  

    The UMID SE caught my eye and I'm tempted to pick one up as the conversion rates and time have lowered the price.  Since I already have two functioning netbooks with wifi (the Asus and the M1), I can't really justify the UMID SE, but I do see where it would be an improvement.

    Both of my other devices frustrate me.  The Asus only has a half gig of RAM and a Celeron processor that runs under 1 GHz.  Trying to do more than one thing at a time is nearly impossible.  The EEE PC runs a form of Xandros out of the box.  I've switched to the advanced UI, but it still feels like an oversimplified version of Windows.  I miss the robustness of other operating systems.  I realize I could throw Ubuntu on it and call it good, but it wouldn't resolve the speed issues.  Lastly, it's larger than my ideal machine.

    The size issue is resolved with the M1; however, there are other issues.  Right now, I need to reinstall the OS.  Installing anything off of a disk is problematic as it doesn't have a normal USB port; it has a mini-USB port with an adapter that has to be held in exactly the right position otherwise the data transfer stops.  It comes with a proprietary jack for headphones which require an adapter as well.  Worse yet is that I can't have the power adaptor hooked up with the adapter for the headphones in at the same time.  Add to all of this that it has half a gig of RAM that can't be upgraded.

    The SE resolves a lot of these issues.  While not a speed-demon, it has a 1.6 GHz Atom processor and twice the RAM, which will run XP nicely and even give the option of Windows 7. The form factor is perfect for me.  It's tiny and  I lean towards the clamshell design in any of my computer purchases.  I love the idea of a miniature laptop in aesthetics.  I prefer a keyboard and if I'm going to be tossing it in a purse pocket, I don't want to run the risk of something ruining the screen.  In addition, the now-defunct manufacturer listened to the complaints about the use of adapters and switched to a normal USB port and headphone jack.

    While an upgrade, is it an upgrade worth the money?  Clamshells have taken a back seat to tablets, but who knows when that will change.  When I bought my M1, they wound up announcing the BZ and the Viliv N5 shortly thereafter and I kicked myself for not waiting longer.  I try keep up on the blogs and haven't heard much, but there have been so many leaps forward since the release of the SE, dual-core atoms, the Nvidia Ion, etc., that I wish I had a crystal ball.

    Wednesday, June 1, 2011

    La Portefeuille Magnifique

    I found the most wonderful wallet.  I was browsing on etsy and fell in love with this beauty from zenokleather.  It's made of beautiful leather (reminiscent of the superb quality of Louis Vuitton's vachetta) and is gorgeously hand-stitched.  

    I've been obsessing over the neon on untreated leather look and figured this would be a good basic to which I could add neon accents.  Upon arrival, I'm finding myself less inclined to mess with its aesthetics as they are currently so clean and lovely and will only improve with time and wear.

    Any opinions on whether I should add a splash of color to it or should I leave as it and let time enhance its natural beauty?

    Thursday, May 19, 2011

    Pink Le Creuset Charm

    So cute!  I love the matching packaging
    instead of them using their traditional orange.
    I'm an ebay and etsyaholic.  I love ebay because I can find nearly anything there.  I'll search for something I had as a kid and be able to find it in with a variety of grades and prices.  I've been bidding on auctions for ten years and can't stop the addiction.

    I mentioned previously wanting to get a pink Le Creuset charm and found one after some searching on ebay.

    These were freebies in Japan when purchasing a Pepsi Nex that came in a variety of colors last year.

    It's still in the original packaging and I'm debating whether or not I should take it out as the packaging is pink and I don't have one of those slots for charms on my phone, so could only attach it to my nanonote.

    Regardless, it's absolutely adorable.  The pink matches the large pink Le Creuset cast iron dutch oven that I'd purchased at an outlet awhile back.  I'm half tempted to carry it around in the packaging on a keychain, but that would be a tad eccentric, no?

    A pic with my magnets after the jump.

    Wednesday, May 18, 2011

    Botkier Charlotte

    Ah, for the love of purses.  I love neon; however, my other wardrobe staple is gray.  It pairs with most any of my neutrals and any of my neons.  Just as flattering as black; it avoids the gothic stereotypes.

    botkier Charlotte Satchel,Grey,one sizeI saw the Botkier Charlotte and loved the shade, the details, the hardware, and the shape.  I've been looking for a neutral bag to wear daily as my current collection is full of pinks or clutches.  The gray will go nicely with almost all of my clothes and the design is classic without being stuffy.

    I tend to like larger bags, but as I'm petite, can't go too large.  This won't overwhelm me, but will carry everything I need.  It's currently going for $575, so I may wait for it to go on sale, but I think it's the perfect everyday bag for me.

    Purse available on Amazon:  botkier Charlotte Satchel,Grey,one size

    For the Library

    The Secret Garden (Puffin Classics)Two days until payday and alas, I have spent all of my frivolous money on work clothes.  I am currently looking longingly at pictures online of two striking and beautiful hardcover editions from Puffin Classics and wishing I hadn't bought quite so many tops on my recent excursion.

    Awhile back my friend showed me some books that she'd purchased at a local bookstore.  They were hardcover cloth versions from Penguin Classics.  Well-constructed, they are reminiscent of some of my vintage editions.

    The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Puffin Classics)I already have most of the titles in the Penguin Classics series in my collection, but I discovered the brightly colored Puffin Classics Series while on a recent shopping trip.  Both the copies of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Secret Garden are decked out in pinks, oranges, and other neon hues. 

    While you can't judge a book cover, standout books do deserve standout covers and these will look great on my bookshelf next to my Hugh D'Andrade designed pink leatherbound Alice in Wonderland.

    Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Other Stories (Leatherbound Classics)These are copies with which I can create my own memories rather than simply imaging their history of decades past.  For those with children, they are something to be excited about now, to read at bedtime, that can remain in the family, passing down from one generation to the next with their glorious memories.  

    Upon arriving at home, I searched them on Amazon and found them listed below list price with free shipping on orders over $25.  I'll have to wait until Friday, but until then, they will remain on my wish list.

    In a Quandary

    I'm in a quandary.   Awhile back, I purchased a purse online.  Since it's a small shop, they advise, "All items are shipped within ten business days of your order, unless otherwise contacted."

    I waited for the requisite two weeks and decided to contact them as I'd not received any communication.  They advised it would be at least another week before it would ship.

    I decided to cancel the order as I'm one for instant gratification and receiving it a month from order was a bit too much, especially considering I'd not been notified of the delay.  They offered an unspecified "free ship" (for this order?  for the next?), but I'm disappointed and broke and requested the refund, which I saw appear on my statement that day.  I used a virtual card number, so I closed it out thinking all is well.

    Fast forward a week and a half and I've received notification that I have a package from the shop.  I emailed them thinking they can log in to the shipping site and have the package redirected, but they advised that it should be delivered tomorrow and then I can send it back.  Once I received it, I opened the envelope to obtain a return label and found it was not sent with one. 

    I've emailed them requesting a return label be sent to me, but the thing is, I still kind of, sort of want the clutch.  I understand that companies get busy and mistakes happen; however, I feel it is how you handle those situations that define you as a company and obtain lifelong customers.

    So here are the options that I see:
    1. I can do nothing and wait for them to send me a return label.  My money being returned is not a point of contingency, but I don't know when they'll send it to me and I'd prefer that if I return it, it's out of my hands sooner or later.
    2. I can ship it, at my expense, back to them and request reimbursement.  It will take care of the sooner part, but I'm at risk of losing money for something for which I was not at fault.
    3. The last option is I can open a new virtual card, have them charge it for the price of the clutch, and keep it.  While I would like to keep it, after all this, I'm not sure if it's worth rewarding a company for inconveniencing me.
    What do you think I should do?

    Also, as a side note, when deciding whether to cancel the order or not, I had flipped a coin, heads I'd keep the order, tails I'd cancel it.  It came up heads, but I still cancelled.  Is this fate's way of telling me I ought to keep the clutch?  Did I anger the coin flipping gods?  Is there really karmic retribution for me returning a purse in the face of a heads verdict?

    Wednesday, May 4, 2011

    Alpha-Robot Complex

    Wild and Wolf Mechanical Wind-Up Venus RobotI'll probably chronicle some of these tales and wanted to give some background on its origins.  The realization occurred only recently; however, the actual manifestation of the complex started a long time ago.  I noticed when I was a teenager that electronics would strangely stop working on me, beyond the frustrations one comes to expect from working with them on a day to day basis.

    I recall one day, the screen on a phone that I'd had less than three months just randomly stopped working.  The next phone, unless held in exactly the correct position would only allow callers to hear me at barely above a whisper.  CD players would magically turn on without prompt; screens would randomly turn on and start flashing when I was across the room.  The buttons on the dashboard in my car would stop working unless pressed in exactly the right order.

    At work, my computer would mysteriously reboot when no one was using it.  That one was replaced with a computer with a hard drive that made horrible whirring noises.  One night, the hard drive determined it had had enough and went into overdrive, shrieking, smoking, and finally dying.

    Sadly, the impacts aren't limited to just my electronics.  One friend who lived across the country had their phone spaz out shortly after having two conversations in a row.  Another friend who's computer I used on a few occasions, had their power supply, video card (twice), motherboard, and hard drive unceremoniously die after each time I used it.

    After moving to a new team, they repeatedly referred to me as a robot.  Given my history with electronics, I realized that I had an alpha-robot complex.  While it's something I've yet to overcome, the stories in the meantime will, with any luck, provide entertainment.

    Monday, May 2, 2011

    Balenciaga Mini Mini First for Spring

    Rumor has it that Balenciaga is coming out with mini purse keychains like they did for the fall season.  This season's colors are: Mimosa, Nuage, Black, White, Praline and Grenadine.  For more information, visit Nepherisis, inc.

    Sunday, May 1, 2011

    Miu Miu Microbag IRL

    Here are some quick shots that I took.  My apologies for the poor quality.

    From the front:
    See more pics after the break.

    Thursday, April 28, 2011

    In the Kitchen

    Le Creuset Enameled Cast-Iron 1/3-Quart Mini Cocotte, Flame
    Mine is in Cobalt Blue, but
    I'm coveting the one in Ocean.
    I'm utterly lacking in domesticity.  I was too lazy to use a roomba and when I finally did, it made it about three feet, started coughing, and died, never to be revived.  Canned soup requires too much effort for me.  My friends joke that if I ever create an online dating profile, I ought to add in the caveat, "I don't cook, but I can afford to order take out."

    For some reason though, I've taken up an interest in cookware, more specifically, Le Creuset.  It all started when I saw one of the mini cast iron cocottes from Le Creuset in a local cookware shop (I was bored waiting for a movie to start).  I left it, but later came back to purchase it.  I loved it.  It was perfect for cooking just the right amount.

    Le Creuset MG0409-MC Round French Oven Magnets, Set of 4
    They're miniature! 
    Resistance was futile.
    Since then, I've purchased a larger pink dutch oven from their outlet, magnets, a frying pan, and other accoutrements.  Even more oddly, I look forward to the outlet for the kitchenware as much as I do for the clothes.  I wonder if I'm actually starting to grow up.

    I'm currently looking for the cell phone accessory of a pink mini casserole dish that I've seen online.  Pink, miniature, and Le Creuset?  Absolutely must have.

    Wednesday, April 27, 2011

    Miu Miu Microbag

    It came, it came, it came!  It's so adorable and I love it.  I'll post pictures once I have more time.

    Sunday, April 24, 2011


    Something about waiting for things I ordered to arrive makes me reminisce of days past.  It reminds me of when I was younger and I'd order something from the Delia's catalog.  I would check the mail daily to see if there was a package for me, tank tops and t-shirts for me to wear to school.

    Nowadays, I'm not one for patience and prefer instant gratification. I would almost always go to the store and pick an item up over ordering online. 
    Alas, I have no choice but to wait. I purchased one of the Miu Miu microbags from Mindy at the Las Vegas boutique and am currently left in anticipation of its arrival.  I want it so much that I was tempted to go out there for the weekend for some serious shopping.  

    Instead, I'll remain here hoping for the delivery truck to arrive soon.

    Hello All

    This is my first foray into blogging.  I know I'm not the only person to be interested in miniatures, technology, and shopping, nor am I the first to blog about it, but I thought it'd be interesting.

    I hope to anyone who finds this blog that I post something that leads them to discover something new that they can enjoy or in which they can find humor.